Thursday, February 23, 2017

What makes a movie become the "Best Picture?" (oscars)

Every year, the Oscars nominate and choose a film to receive an award for Best Picture. But, are they being unfair with the movies they give the title Best Picture to? I believe that they are. It is incredibly strange to me that even though movies other than serious dramas are very good and can be considered the best, they are rarely chosen. Hoop Dreams could have easily been a Best Picture even though it is a documentary. It should have been chosen for its unique style and insight into the life of a high school student, and it also was filmed very well. The Lion King could have been chosen for Best Picture because of its beautiful animations and for just overall being a great film that many people seem to enjoy. Umbrellas of Cherbourg had unique qualities like singing every line and making it beautiful and worthy of the award. Serious dramas are probably liked by a lot of people, but so are other genres and this needs to be recognized by the Oscars. What movie that we have seen do you think could have been chosen as Best Picture?